Tone and Tsql are mutually exclusive. You use one or the other. In your case, set Tsql only and Ignore Tone. It won’t matter what is shown in the Tone column. Check the CHIRP website and for more info. 

Jardy Dawson WA7JRD

Message sent from some electronic device that only the Manufacturer of said device really cares about. 

On Jan 11, 2020, at 22:31, Nita S. <> wrote:

I am new to Chirp. My radio, a Jetstream JT-270MH, has the capability of specifying both a tone encode (for keying a repeater) and a tone decode (for validating that transmissions received) are from the correct repeater. I had manually entered these into the radio, and it was working correctly.

Then I introduced Chirp into the picture. Chirp has columns for both Tone and ToneSql. I have been unable to get the correct tone to show in both columns. Generally, I see a value in the Tone column combined with 'Tone' in the Tone Mode column. Alternatively, I see a value in the ToneSql column and 'TSQL' in the Tone Mode column.

Is this the correct display, and if so which one tells me that Chirp is programming the tone for transmissions in both directions ?

Note that I can open the memory line in a Properties window, set both Tone and ToneSql to the same value, but they do not stick when clicking OK.

Also note that I have opened bug # 7475 concerning the precise radio profile used to clone this data, and issues encountered, so there could be a connection, but seems unlikely to me.
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