On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 8:52 PM, Mike-2007 <mike-2007@elp.rr.com> wrote:

Won't argue with a thing you said.....  EXCEPT..... ham radio isn't my only hobby, and I have some software for another hobby that just will not function outside of windows.  Tried on a MAC, tried on Linux, tried some other thing my friend locally has.  Nothing worked.  And this other hobby is more important to me than ham radio.  So I'll just struggle along on Windows-7 (64 bit) and hopefully with the RT Systems cable I won't have the troubles others seem to have here.  Heck, I'd still be using XP if they hadn't quit supporting it!


Perhaps someday someone will write good software for Android, and I'll take my tablet instead of the little Net-Book I carry out now.  But until it happens, I'm on Win-7.  Funny, but I've had no problems on my end.  In fact, this E-mail address was first used in Dec of 2006, and I don't feel a need to change it either, still no SPAM, no virus, no update problems.  I must be doing something right!


Vy73 -- Mike -- KD5KC.


Yes I have one like that too, CPS for the MD-9600, it will not run under wine
and when it runs under windows if you want to load the contacts list you also
have to have Excel installed on your computer, for a stinking csv file at that.

For that I have a virtual machine running Win10 (I want to get a copy of Win7
that was the one I liked. Win10 I really am getting a real dislike for)

The thing I like about my Linux boxen is they never give me issues, they just
run, the updates are fast and never intrusive, I do not have to reboot the
machine every time it does an update (that is one of the reasons I do not
like to run the VM, first thing it does is complain about needing updates as
I run it about every Feb 29th on a blue moon) At least with running Win10
in a VM I can give it some additional protection in the host system.

Well if you get a Raspberry Pi you can do almost what you want, you run
the RPi headless and access it from your tablet/phone whatever. 

I have a spare tablet I am going to put Linux on to see if I can run Chirp on it.
That would be neat to not have to carry anything more than the tablet and

I also have 4 Thinkpads (I LIKE Thinkpads) that I can use for that sort of thing
one of them is a small 12" screen running Ubuntu Mate has an i7 processor
and a SSD, it boots very fast and moves very fast. That is my little field machine
when I need more than the Pi. 

Ham radio is not my only hobby either, and there is some other stuff out there
that falls in the same area as the MD-9600 software,  but I would say that I
have found 98% of what I need in some form for Linux. 

I used to have a rr addy when we lived in Tampa, but it got so loaded with
spam that I got this gmail addy (2004) and it has stayed with me ever since.

Of course now having lived in 3 places where there is no TW, I would not
have one anyhow. 

Chirp + Editcp + MD380Tools on Linux
Chuck -- KP4DJT