On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 7:31 PM, KenB km4kkm@gmail.com wrote:
When I export from chirp some of the headers are rearranged and some header names are changed. I rearranged my data file to match what chirp was sending to my spread sheet and then copied into "chirp's" version on my spread sheet. Then saved it for importing into chirp. See files attached. The 2 meter... file reflects what the radio sends to chirp.
Thanks, KenB KM4KKM
You can't invent our own CSV format. You can't add columns or change the field types. You have to keep it in the format that CHIRP expects.
0, <- Location OK , <- Name OK 146.46, <- Frequency OK , <- Duplex OK , <- Offset OK None, <- Tone - this might need to be blank 100.0 Hz, <- rToneFreq - you can't add " Hz" to this field 100.0 Hz, <- cToneFreq - you can't add " Hz" to this field 23, <- DtcsCode OK NN, <- DtcsPolarity OK FM, <- Mode OK 5, <- this is TStep but you added a "Power" column. CHIRP CSV file don't support power. Hi, <- this must have been meant to be power. It is where TStep should be. , <- Skip OK , <- Comment OK , <- URCALL OK , <- RPT1CALL OK <- RPT2 CALL OK
You can't use Plus for + You can't use Minus for - If you want to know what the correct value is, program a channel normally and export it to see what it should look like. Don't guess or make up your own.
I don't think the columns have to be in a specific order. But if you change the headers around, you have to move the data to match.
If you don't want to use a column, I believe you can leave it out. For example, most Baofeng owners won't be using ",URCALL,RPT1CALL,RPT2CALL" so you can leave them off and remove the correct number of commas in the rows below.