Glenn, in case it's useful, here's the full Chirp CSV for the non-ham receive frequencies I have. Of course the repeater offset, tones, etc. are simply ignored by the radio.

Air 118
88.5 88.5 23 NN AM
SEACH1 158.8
88.5 88.5 23 NN FM
SeaHF8mh 8.1
88.5 88.5 23 NN USB
CB19Truk 27.185
88.5 88.5 23 NN AM
CB9Emrcy 27.065
88.5 88.5 23 NN AM

I have put a long wire on the antenna terminals and received somewhat better the Sea going HF frequencies around 8MHz but it's not close to DX.

I also have several 220MHz ham frequencies I use in this table. Chirp is pretty neat. When I load up the other radios without 220 those channels are left empty. Chirp is a great piece of software.

73, Peace,سلام ,שָׁלוֹם, ειρήνη, Bruce ∞

On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 3:09 PM Glenn K0LNY <> wrote:
I too plan on putting in the CB frequencies.
----- Original Message -----
From: Bruce MacAlister
To: Discussion of CHIRP
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2020 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Programming The Kenwood TH-F6

Glenn, I have a well worn, scratched up TH-F6. I don't use memory banks. I have just over 100 frequencies in my Chirp CSV that's shared with a TM-D700 and a Baofeng UV82. Yes, there is a 0 and that's where I put 146.520 hailing frequency. Receiving outside the VHF and UHF range is not good. I'm guessing the combination of filters and the antenna cause that. Because I want to track the truckers on CB on the road and I'm by the sea on vacation. Here are my HF frequencies:

Air 118
SEACH1 158.8
SeaHF8mh 8.1
CB19Truk 27.185
CB9Emrcy 27.065

73, Peace,سلام ,שָׁלוֹם, ειρήνη, Bruce ∞

On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 11:01 AM Glenn K0LNY <> wrote:
I'm hoping my new programming cable comes today so I can program my Kenwood TH-F6 hand-held.
So I know that it has over 400 memory slots, and it can RX all the HF frequencies.
So I'm wondering how it works while in Chirp, so I can plan my CSV file.
Since I'm Blind and cannot read the display, I may have questions that might otherwise seem obvious to you.
1: Does it have a channel 0, or do they start with 1?
2: I read of banks of memories in groups of 50 for different bands.  Is this have to be kept to, or is it just a convenience?
In my Baofeng's CSV file, they are intermixed.
3: Can anyone recommend some common HF frequencies that I can program into it?
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