On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 12:55 PM Robert Carlson <justanotherguy385@gmail.com> wrote:
I have programming software for my various amateur radio equipment as well as specific Motorola software. I was directed here because I need to drop the frequency range on a cdm1550 by 2 MHz all the top of the bottom. From what I have read There is a waris.py file somewhere available for download did enables chirp to work with a Motorola? I am confused on the matter. I've read the offsets that need to be changed with a hex editor and if that's all I need to do then I suppose that will work. On the other hand, I'd love to support chirp financially if it can handle all of my various pieces of equipment from one piece of software. Or am I misunderstanding that I still need my RSS software or CPS software?

W9CR has written an article about changing the band limits of the CDM here:

It's not just editing some hex values, but also retuning the radio.

Chirp has a lot of features, and not all of them are supported by every radio. The waris.py implements some fields in the Settings pane of Chirp, but doesn't implement Memory channel read/write. I don't think this is an issue of funding, but rather of finding the intersection of people who have the expertise to add this support, the hardware, and the time. I only meet two out of three of those criteria myself. You'll still need CPS for channel programming.