I am using Chirp and a TYT USB cable to program a TYT-9000D 2 meter ham radio.
Software and USB cable work without any issues.
I have tried MULTIPLE times to use same version of CHIRP and same USB cable to program a QTY-7900D and a QTY-8900D.
I have NOT ever been able to read the QYT radio's. Neither model.
The software will appear to start to read the radio and then drop out.
Screen shows either comm. Error or says radio would not go into clone mode.
By the software and cable working on the TYT-9000D, in my mind that clears the software and cable.
IF there were any issues with the software or the cable, I don't believe I could use the combo on the TYT-9000D.
I am open to any suggestions as what to do. HELP
Glenn Wb4zjb
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