Okay after
some exhaustive testing I have found what happens to some channels that
previously were thought to be missing. I sorted by channel name to alphabetize
them. I then tried to renumber them according to the new alphabeticall sort.
When I entered a channel number already in use chirp deletes the old channel
entry entirely.
The goal is
to renumber the channels by the slected sort. In otherwords download the radio
sort by whatever field you desire the channel numbers should reamain intact i.e.
1,2,3,4, etc. They do not . They stay
with the channel they were associated with from the radio. This is nice for
viewing but accomplishes nothing if you want to program the radio with the new
layout as it will write the channels with the original channel numbers and that
is the default that the radio uses to pull them up. So no matter how you sort
them, when you re-write to the radio it it is the same as before. I hope this
makes sense.
1007 Centerbrook
Brandon, Florida