#97: CSV export writes chirp native XML file if filename doesn't end in .csv. -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Reporter: rct+chirp@… | Type: Bug Status: new | Priority: Stability Milestone: | Component: Memory Editor Version: 0.1.11 | Keywords: Platform: Linux | -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Export CSV only seems to write a CSV IFF the filename ends in .csv, otherwise it writes out a chirp native XML file.
Note: If the suggested filename + extension gets cleared in the process of navigating to the desired directory, no extension gets set. This might be the desired behavior, but it leads to this behavior where it looks like you should be saving a .csv file and instead wind up saving an xml file.
Note 2: the comparison is case sensitive too, so saving to radio.CSV gives an XML file as well.
chirp 0.1.11 freshly pulled via hg 4/30/2011. hg summary parent: 915:6ffa431cdbdd tip Make banks import and export properly branch: default commit: (clean) update: (current)