oops, naturally, right after i posted i amended my google search parameters and found bug reports #35 and #51. these reports seem to address a couple of my issues, but not why i'm seeing them if the bugs have been resolved. it does look like one bug might have been abandoned.
hi folks: i looked through the chirp site before posting this, but didn't find much specific. i see there was an issue/bug opened for the th-f6a reporting as a th-f6 and my daily build of chirp (i might be a couple of 'days' behind) reports as such, but the bug appears to have been resolved about 8-12 months ago. it was Bug #19: TH-F6A support not working in recent builds. it appears everything else (with the below exceptions) seems to work as expected, but i don't have any comparison to bump against.anyway, the first thing i did since this radio works with chirp completely unlike any of my other radios in a sort of 'real time' mode (it almost seems like virtual control is already 95% working and i was surprised that it wasn't implemented nor was a menu config function) was to read the radio and export out to csv. but i don't understand what the last 3 columns are: | URCALL |, | RPT1CALL | and | RPT2CALL |. granted, it's a new radio and my first kenwood in many years, but i've been through the manual pretty thoroughly twice now and did a google search as well and can't come up with any info on these columns. it could always be some function(s) that i would never use and i glossed over them.also, on a more serious note, when i tried to import some info from one of my other radios (after formatting it for the f6a), chirp refused to process the lines that had mode as 'FMN'. at first i was surprised as i had (ass)umed that the kenwood would do narrow fm, and in fact it does support nfm, but not at the same time as regular fm--a disappointing fact but at least the mode is there to activate. i think this would be an easy fix in that i could just change all instances of NFM to FM in my csv file, but i was curious as to why chirp would not recognize this mode from this radio?thanks! /guy (73 de kg5vt)