27 Apr
27 Apr
7:07 p.m.
On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 9:15 PM, Glenn At Home GlennErvin@cableone.net wrote:
Sorry, my bad, I did write in the terminal: apt-add but here I think I turned it around.
No worries. Been there, done that. LOL
So I still get input output error. In fact, I purposely wrote add-apt-... in the wrong order, with the rest of the correct command, and I should have gotten something like not found or something, but I got input output error with add actually first. So, what causes it to come back with that error?
Don't know. I'm using Linux Mint 18.3 MATE which is based on Ubuntu 16.04. The command works for me (see attached screen capture).
I would try adding the PPA using the Ubuntu GUI. Attached is what it looks like in my Mint.