Thanks, Jim, for the suggestions.
The version of CHIRP I've been using is "chirp-daily-20140601-installer.exe".
This is on a Dell XPS L502X with Windows 7 Home Premium edition (with Service Pack 1), 64-bit. My USB ports are USB 3.0, but I've never had a problem with their being 3.0 instead of 2.0, except for a puzzling USB 3.0 flash drive I once tried, but as far as I know that problem could have been "anything"; I did not have time then to try to diagnose the problem; so I returned the flash drive back to the store for a refund.
In response to your suggestion, I tried the UV-B5's RESET as described in the manual, namely, turning on the radio while pressing and holding the [FM] button. But the radio did not seem to do any resetting. I surmise from the manual that I was supposed to get an option displayed of "VFO" (for frequency reset) and "ALL" (for resetting everything resettable). But I got nothing like that. And my channels were all still programmed as I had programmed them. (But before I did any of this I transferred the channel-programming data back to the UV-B5 from the OEM channel-programming software just to be sure I could do that without any problem.)
But in case there was some sort of subtle reset when I tried the RESET procedure, which conceivably might have resolved the original problem, I afterwards tried reading the UV-B5's channel info via CHIRP. But I still got the usual error message and no apparent transfer of data.
On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 6:25 PM, Jim Unroe wrote:
On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 9:05 PM, Richard Haney wrote:
So Hooray! All is not lost! At least it seems I have not irreparably damaged the radio as I had feared.
That's good news.
But it does seem that a bug fix of CHIRP regarding the problem is in order. However, I have not checked whether this problem is already regarded as a bug that needs fixing.
Which version of CHIRP are you using? v0.4.0 or any recent daily build should be fine.
Now that you have the channels and settings saved using the Baofeng software, I would give the RESET a try. The UV-B5/B6 has a weird habit of changing it's cloning behavior based on the radio's settings (changing ACK values and IDENT strings were a real pain during the early development of the initial support).
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