
You may have to short press the top right knob to set the right side as main band first before the squelch knob becomes active.


Be blessed!

May 2019 be our year of change & growth!


Gary Craig


Webco Industries

Texas Distribution

750 Martin Luther King Jr Dr

Orange, TX 77630-3094

409-886-0807 ext. 107

Fax 918-246-7045


From: <> On Behalf Of Glenn At Home
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2019 6:51 PM
To: Jardy <>; Discussion of CHIRP <>
Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Tyt 9800 Update


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One reason I found already is I can squelch one side and not the other.


----- Original Message -----

From: Jardy via chirp_users

To: Discussion of CHIRP

Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2019 6:46 PM

Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Tyt 9800 Update


Why would you want to have vhf on one side and uhf on the other, instead of both sides the same?  What if you want to listen to two vhf or two uhf frequencies?  The only reason I can think of is if you would run out of channel storage space for all the frequencies you want to listen to otherwise.  Just my $0.03 (inflation) worth. 

Jardy Dawson WA7JRD

Message sent through sub space hailing frequencies using the Universal Translator. 


On Jan 19, 2019, at 16:27, Glenn At Home <> wrote:

Thanks All, I think I got it working.

I tweaked the CSV file, at one point, Open Office took out all the values in the offset column, so I opened another file in Excel that was about the same, and I selected the column and copied it and switched over to the file in Open Office and pasted it in.

Setting it to the defaults helped, because this time when I imported the file, I think, the VHF is on the left and the UHF is on the right.

Not much UHF going on around here to be sure.

I need to learn the buttons on the mic other than the number pad and I know the top switch locks some of the keys, including the two top ones.

It's good to turn those off, as I find myself pressing keys on that thing just by holding it while punching a button.

Anyway,  thanks all for helping me get this far.



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