HiThank you it could be just for listening,I will keep on trying with the chirp programming to se wat must be cancelled and what not.Thank youOn Thu, Feb 1, 2024, 20:11 Jim Unroe <rock.unroe@gmail.com> wrote:On Thu, Feb 1, 2024 at 10:02 AM Ken Hansen <ken@n2vip.org> wrote:
> Why are you saying 454.375 MHz? It clearly says 464.375 in the original image...
Whoops! I really botched my original reply. The 454.375 is incorrect.
It should have been 459.375. The 464.375 is from another radio that
(according to the OP) is a repeater. Therefore the frequency displayed
is the TX frequency (the repeater's input frequency). It is the RX
frequency (the repeater's output frequency) that gets programmed into
the CHIRP Frequency field. It would either be higher or lower than the
TX frequency. The only repeater listing that I could find by googling
had the repeater's TX frequency 5 MHz lower than the input frequency
(which is typical for a UHF repeater.
> [459.375000/+5.000/110.9]
> [459.375000/+5.000/110.9/110.9]
But after searching some more today, I see that there are some
airports that have 464.375 listed as a repeater. So it could be that
the radio was programmed solely to listen to the repeater on 464.375
with no intentions to use the repeater, so the programmed channel is
simplex with the RX frequency and TX frequency being the same.
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