At first many thanks for the good work the delevopers have done programming that chirp'y thing. It works fine till today.
I just wanted to move a block of PMR446 fequencies, which I have sucessfully entered in my YAESU VX6 and then uploaded it from the radio to chirp. But chirp refuses to cut (that works) and paste (that doesn't work) these frequencies from one to another location:
It says, this frequencies requires a 6,25 kHz step which is not supported by the radio. That's correct though, because the step really is 12,5 kHz and supported. But the first channel ist shifted by 6,25 kHz as if there seemes to be a 6,25 kHz frequency grid:
446,00625 MHz 446,01875 MHz 446,03125 MHz … and so on
Obviously that plays a trick on chirp, so it won't write such frequencies.
Do I have a chance other than program these 16 channels anew at another location in the radio and upload them again?
As I'm german and my english isn't quite good, excuse my bad english and answer in simply english too, please.
Regards, Ulrich