I've tested both USB ports with my iPod touch and am able to access it. Another thing not working is my Android file system driver. The phone is not seen at all. I'm about ready to roll this macbook to factory defaults and OSX Lion.

On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 8:56 AM, Milton <thecanesvenatici@gmail.com> wrote:
I've installed the supposed updated driver from Sorceforge but no worky.

kextstat -b nl.bjaelectronics.driver.PL2303 is empty


Kext nl.bjaelectronics.driver.PL2303 not found for unload request.
Kext net.sourceforge.osx-pl2303 not found for unload request.
Kext com.prolific.driver.PL2303 not found for unload r

Any ideas?