ok, I added the repository per the instructions on that page. I then attempted to reinstall chirp. It stated chirp was already at the newest version.
I then next did the apt-get install for the 3 packages (python-gtk python-serial and libxml2. Apt-get reported that python-gtk does not exist.
This is starting to become a major frustration.
also, for some reason, ubuntu software center won't allow me to check all sources (states partially checked).so, both the command line and GUI attempts have failed. I really wish I could get voiceover on this mac to read the X display apps. Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be a way to do that, or I would install here on the mac using macports.
On Oct 3, 2013, at 9:40 PM, Milton Hywatt wrote:
I'm pretty sure you have to get your apt-get repositories database updated to include the Chirp builds. Been a while since Ubuntu was my OS so I forget the particulars. But from reading I think that's how Chirp is installed. Have a read here I think this is what you need. http://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/Running_Under_Linux
From: eric oyen eric.oyen@gmail.com To: Discussion of CHIRP chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com Sent: Friday, October 4, 2013 12:22 AM Subject: [chirp_users] radio won't ack first command error
ok, I got the port permissions issue resolved (its a bug in the initial system setup and I wasn't added to dial out).
However, now I have this problem: radio: PX-777 vendor: puxingradio port: /dev/ttysusb0
downloading profile from radio… error: radio did not ACK first command.
ok, so how do I get around this?
The version of chirp I am using is on uBuntu 13.04 and I don't get have a development environment setup. do I have to get one of the daily builds to make this work?
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