On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 1:54 PM, Richard Kopplin rkopplin@snet.net wrote:
Have loaded CHIRP on a debian computer also trying to used the boot-able CD image their is no selection for the Yaesu VX-170. What do I choose?
tks Dick KF6UX
It doesn't sound like you are be running a recent CHIRP daily build (and by recent I mean within the last year). About a year ago is when the VA-170 driver module last was edited and it has probably available much longer than that.
Don't use the Software Manager to install CHIRP. You do not want to be running a CHIRP v0.1.x, v0.2.x or v0.3.x build. You must manually install a daily build using the instructions on the "Running CHIRP Under Linux" page.
Although the packages required are a little different, I just did this last week to install CHIRP on the Raspbian Jessie OS running on my Raspberry Pi 2.