TYT TH-UVF1a unlock guide (20140712) This guide was kludged together on my Win7 laptop, ymmv. -KS0RR Step 1. Get YOUR radio cable working (this took me awhile, the link below may help) http://www.miklor.com/COM/UV_Drivers.php Step 2. Get the LT-UV software and unzip (no install necessary); http://www.transmission1.co.uk/download/file.php?id=9844 I found it here thanks to radiosification; http://www.transmission1.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=16770&sid=f9100e4351e24ddaf2b9506528366705&start=30#p324204 Step 3. Radio off and connected to computer Step 4. Run LT-UV.exe Communication Port, select highlighted port (must be COM 1-4) radio on Program, Read from Radio File, Save As: TYT-UVF1 factory 20140712 Edit, Advanced, enter password: 100020, [OK] FreqSet (bands 1&2 transmit, 3&4 receive) 134-174, 400-519 (US amateur: 144-148,420-450) [Apply], [Close] File, Save As - TYT-UVF1 unlocked 20140712 Program, Write, [OK] wait for write to complete, [OK] radio off, disconnect 5. Radio on and check your new frequency ranges!