Well it did not hurt.  I was trying to point out that this is not documented and is a pretty critical step to leave out.  Just trying to help since the program is still in a growing state.  Again if it was added to the WiKi under Linux installs that would help quite a few people to come.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 7:28 PM, Bob Nielsen <n7xy@clearwire.net> wrote:
It is not necessary to restart.  Logging out and back in will be sufficient.

73, Bob N7XY

On Jul 29, 2013, at 1:13 AM, Ronny Julian <k4rjjradio@gmail.com> wrote:

> Took me a bit as I have never run into a permissions issue.  Would someone like to add the sudo command to the Linux Wiki?  I did not see anything there.  Using n0cl as an example username.
>  sudo adduser n0cl dialout
> [sudo] password for user:
> Adding user n0cl to group dialout
> Done.
> << Restart done here to ensure new group picked up >>
> pax> id -Gn
> pax dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev netdev bluetooth scanner
> REF this site
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9839988/dev-ttys0-does-not-open-in-ubuntu-12-04-beta
> Still having issues writing to the FT-60 after a good read.  I'll buy a USB cable soon and try this once more.  Any steps I'm missing please let me know.  The cable checks good on a meter and if it reads the radio it should write in theory.  Doing the same thing now in Windows and Xubuntu. I will say the Linux version does not yell out an error it just does not work.
> Ronny
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