21 Feb
21 Feb
3:25 p.m.
I use Linux based LIbre Office/Open Office/Chirp all the time. C&P/Import/Export. No issues. One thing if in Linux I have found using Paste from the menu selection in a number of programs ges around the CTRL-V issues.
I continually use Libre Calc with the exported file all the time because I can control the column selections/widths and print formating better than in Chirp. Chirp has always printed in "barly can see ink saver mode" for me. Nothing to get one's panties in a twist over.
Secured with Tuta Mail:
Feb 20, 2025, 19:55 by users@lists.chirpmyradio.com:
>> You put in filters, so if I use B l i n d or s c r e e n r e a d e r
>> the messages will not make it to the list.
> This is the Fake News, and it will be your last time asserting it on the infrastructure I pay for you to use for free. I've been trying to get you to file a bug so I can spend my evening examining your file and explaining how you've broken the format so you can fix it. But you just want to complain. While waiting for you to do that so I can help you, I've also spent my dinner time implementing a best-effort function to try to parse out the format that LibreOffice/OpenOffice puts on the clipboard to let you copy/paste multiple memories from that application directly into chirp. Just for you. That change will be in tomorrow's build, and yet while writing and debugging that, I'm fielding accusations and complaints from you on this list. Sometimes I feel like a masochist.
>> The truth is, Chirp does not read the fields with a SR so that is not fake.
>> Anyone can run J A W S and try it with Chirp and without the use of a mouse,
>> and they will get nowhere.
>> Yet, I can open any database program and use it with my SR.
>> I have access to three different SRs.
>> If people cared about a c c e s s i b i l i t y, they would test Chirp with
>> a SR.
> As I have said many times before, this is a _fundamental_ lack of support in the windowing toolkit that CHIRP uses to be cross-platform. It is not something CHIRP can or will address. You may feel free to complain to WxWidgets about this. I'm sorry it doesn't work with a screenreader like JAWS for better accessibility, but you should feel free to learn how to fix the underlying issue, or of course, use another tool.
> Complaining about WxWidgets not supporting screenreaders for the Grid widget is officially offtopic for this list. I really hate "code of conduct" documents, but we clearly need one for this list. I'll work on that, because clearly this decade-old FAQ entry is not enough:
> https://www.chirpmyradio.com/projects/chirp/wiki/FAQ#Im-a-blind-ham-Can-I-us...
> --Dan
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