8 Jun
8 Jun
8:30 a.m.
On 06/08/2016 10:13 AM, Tom Hayward wrote:
On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 7:58 AM, W Paul Mills AC0HY@wpmills.com wrote:
Sounds like your tone frequencies do not match. Perhaps the Motorola is not really on 67 Hz.
I would be more suspicious of the Baofeng being off frequency. I have heard reports that Baofengs will not work with the DTMF decoders on some repeaters due to transmitting off-frequency DTMF tones. It would not surprise me if the CTCSS/PL tone was also off. Motorolas tend to have very good CTCSS decoders (meaning they'll reject off-frequency tones), so you're likely to see a problem like this surface more when using a Motorola than a Baofeng receiver.
I have never had this problem with any I have seen. And I have seen dozens.
* Amateur Radio Station AC0HY *
* W. Paul Mills SN807 *
* Assistant EC Alpha-1 ARES Shawnee/Wabunsee, KS *
* President Kaw Valley Amateur Radio Club *