11 Mar
11 Mar
11:53 a.m.
On Sat, Mar 11, 2017 at 12:02 AM, Drew Einhorn drew.einhorn@gmail.com wrote:
If "duplex off" doesn't work on most radios, it is not worth the trouble automatically set it appropriately.
On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 9:17 PM Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF nigel@ngunn.net wrote:
And then the problen that the "duplex off" trick doesn't work with most radios anyhow. I usually ser the offset so that the TX falls in a little used part of an amateur band.
If "duplex off" doesn't work on a radio, it is a bug and should be reported. The selection should only appear on radio models that it works on. Otherwise, something will think they've disabled TX when it isn't.