Christopher Knowles,
It's impossible to answer your question without your sending the email in question to the list.
If it is concerning the email from which was attached to your email, that is a message that came through the CHIRP email list, and isn't SPAM any more than your message (and this one), even if not wanted by some, is SPAM. These messages were simply messages that were sent to the list then resent by the list to list subscribers.
If you'd rather not receive messages from this list, you can unsubscribe at any time.
73 David N1EA
On Tue, May 23, 2023, 08:27 Christopher Knowles wrote:
I've been getting SPAM email from someone saying they were sorry about this problem and offering to solve it. Was it really legitimate? And, if so, it seems to be being sent to every CHIRP subscriber. 73, WD1E
On 5/23/2023 7:42 AM, Jim Unroe wrote:
Hi Nina,
On Mon, May 22, 2023 at 11:29 PM Nina Wu wrote:
Dear Sir/Madam,
We see our Quansheng TG-UV2 plus software on your website, now we would
like to supply our UV-K5 walkie talkie software to your website, How can we do it?
Can you help us with it?
Best Regards Nina Wu
It was discovered that the manufacturer of the UV-K5 style radios had encrypted/obfuscated the cloning process using methods that suspiciously look like it was meant to prevent others from developing programming software for them. These methods have been successfully reverse engineered and overcome. Development is currently active and now moving forward. See issue #10478.
Jim KC9HI _______________________________________________ chirp_users mailing list This message was sent to Christopher Knowles at To unsubscribe, send an email to
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-- Christopher Allan Knowles, MPA P.O. Box 4632 Vineyard Haven, MA 02568
Please find my LinkedIn profile at:
Staff Sergeant, United States Air Force, 1970 - 1974
Call Sign: WD1E - Amateur Extra Class Accredited Volunteer Examiner (VE)
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