I am most likely doing something wrong, here. (As USUAL...)
I am a Mac user (mainly) and was happy to realize that CHIRP can run in OS-X! I have downloaded and opened the chirp-daily-20130111.app.zip from today's daily build. I double-clicked it to open, and now have the chirp-daily-20130111, which is a 1.3 Mb stand-alone app, from the way it LOOKS.
When I open it, it informs me that I should be made aware of the fact that this was an app that was downloaded from the internet, etc. I click on OK, and it all just stops there. (Repeated attempts to open the app have the same results.)
I ran DISK PERMISSIONS with no result that allowed me to go further.
I am running a Retina MacBook Pro; This came with OS-X version 10.8.2; Is this the reason for my troubles? I will also be trying this app on an iMac, which is running OS-X 10.6.8.
Thanks, and 73; -Mike- KØJTA
Message: 3 Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 00:05:01 -0800 (PST) From: Build Systemdonotreply@danplanet.com Subject: [chirp_users] New Daily Build
A new daily build of CHIRP is available. This includes changes made directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features, bug fixes, and/or bugs. If you are interested in trying it, grab it from the following location: