Initially, the first attempt I don’t remember. However, the partial uploads leave the radio as if it were new, i.e. all the previous programed channels/frequencies are gone, and all the customizations, such as digit size on the screen, signal strength progressive bar icon type, etc. have all changed to default.
Currently, when turned on, the radio is defaulted to 144.000MHz. The squelch is set relatively low as static with no traffic is heard.
On Dec 2, 2015, at 1:14 AM, Dave Nathanson wrote:
While cloning is your radio tuned to a frequency that has no traffic?
73, Dave Nathanson KG6ZJO
On Dec 1, 2015, at 11:22 AM, AJ Pulley wrote:
Can anyone help? I keep getting a “Clone Error” message on my HT’s screen about three quarters of the way through the upload to the radio. I won’t list everything I’ve done because I have no issues uploading to my FT-8900R. The cable I am using is made by Valley Industries, as is my other radio’s cable. The driver has been downloaded for MacOSX, the Python software is installed, and the radio’s battery is fully charged.
I’ve additionally gone through the settings of each column to verify that there isn’t a memory that has an unacceptable input, such as an out-of-range Tune Step. I’m confused presently.
-AJ ___________________________________
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