I installed the version mentioned in the subject today, and was able to successfully read my Icom ID-51 Plus.   I want to replace one of the values in the Your Call field on the D-STAR tab, but I'm not getting my new values to stick in the field.

  1. I click on the D-STAR tab on the left, and I have values in the Your Callsign column. 
  2. I click on an existing value so that I can edit it.
  3. I Cut, delete, or backspace out the value in the field I've selected.
  4. I add my new value.
  5. I click on another row or tab out of the field to get out of the one I've just changed.
  6. I do a File/Save or File/Save As to save the changes. 
  7. I Move from the D-STAR to other tabs and back to D-STAR to verify that I still see my new value.
  8. I close the file and reopen it
  9. I see the original value in the field that I changed.

To confirm that I'm really saving the file I changed something in the Memories tab before I saved.  That change sticks, but the one in D-STAR does not. 

I also tried writing the data back to the radio after saving, but the radio has the old value.  And, I tried putting the new value in a Your Callsign row that is already blank.  

The other sections on the D-STAR tab may be the same.  

Thanks for a great app!  

