As Shon, K2QT mentioned I agree that the Baofeng UV-82 series is a good choice at a low cost.
They have a good build quality and have a higher duty cycle than the UV5R series.
(My UV5RV2+ failed during a long rag chewing session, the UV-82 has done fine with similar sessions.)
For about $15-$20 more, the UV-82HP has higher power. 7 watts as opposed to 5.
For a dual band mobile, the Anytone AT-5888UV has 50 VHF and 40 UHF Watts and provides dual watch and some other features, but is ~$290.00.
There are others in that price range, but the above is the only one I have experienced.
The low cost radios are lower wattage (which may not matter depending on expected use), I don't know anyone that has one - so cannot comment on the quality.
As you mention, if you move away from dual band, Yaesu, Kenwood, etc. can be had for <$175.
Hard choices, good luck :)
Bill Riess
P: +1 847 394 5312
C: +1 847 917 8479
Callsign: KW9WR