26 Oct
26 Oct
7:49 a.m.
Anyone using the USB to Baofeng /Wouxun and a dozen others named Chinese radios
cable with PL2303 chip from radioshop888.com (and possible a lot of other retailers who try to best they can retail genuine parts) will find that their Mountain Lion driver will work after they upgrade to Mavericks. Now, I cannot guarantee this to everyone obviously. Too many variables. But you all have at least one guinea pig out here to put up his or her OS-X system up for grabs with an upgrade. And Mavericks if you wandered doesn't really feel different from the previous build. If you want the upgrade better have
a goof fast connection, took me a while at 2.20 MB/s to download 5.29 gigs. Then it's
atl east another hour and a half to install.