Thanks, I was hoping I'd get suggestions for a better procedure than I was planning to use, and that will be how I'll do it as well.
I typically use 3 different models depending on activity. For example if I am going on a multi day AT Ski trip I'll probably take a KG-816 with a Frankenstiened AAA cell pack that uses a combination of dummy and rechargeable Li-Ion cells so I can still get the full transmit power from 8.4V if required, but also get full lumens from my headlamps or can use my Avalanche Beacon for backup batteries. But if there is a need for FRS, then it would be a simlar configured UVD1P, also with a Frankensteined 14500 Li-Ion AA cell pack. The odd time if I may need the ability to do seat of the pants telemetry, I'll carry the UV6D due to the 2.5kHz frequency stepping ability. This method will enable me to work effectively with all of them until there is a CHIRP for Android! Thanks very much.