Hi Dan,
thanks for your replies. I read the digest and it's not possible to create a threaded discussion that way so I hope you don't mind a new message.
I installed today's build without issue. The D72 export issue has not changed. I wait until all memories are read and select file->export. The progress bar quickly goes 4/5 or so to the right and then stalls. I exited that dialog after a few minutes. No file is created.
In this version I was able to enter COM10 by keyboard. I think the prior version had that no text input but perhaps I don't remember correctly. In any event, typing in the COM port is fine by me. It read the F6A channels pretty quickly and was also able to export them without trouble.
I suppose I should attempt to run chirp as native python in a debugger and see why the D72 doesn't export. I'm familiar with python but mostly scripts, no GUI apps. I'll check the wiki for Windows build instructions and see if I can get it going.
Thanks and 73,