
Here are the two images. Also I know beyond the scope of CHIRP probably at this point so thank you again. I see it still reverts to those two ghost channels.  Also interesting is that when the radio reboots after upload and download, the A and B channels are both then on channel 0 (programmed as 2m Calling) every single time. I guess because the channels it thinks it is are not even programmed at all....  

I did as you instructed and changed them manually both to 15. When I try to do that via the number pad by typing 015 (on both channels it does this) it beeps and goes to 014 instead so I had to manually scroll up to 15 to change it. Even still...as you can see the radio is  h changing them to channels 191 and 144 which are not programmed at all.....I did not change "uploaded" image from what I have sent already. This is what downloads from the radio....

On Sun, Nov 24, 2019 at 6:59 PM Jim Unroe <rock.unroe@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Nov 24, 2019 at 9:17 PM Darby Collier <collier.darby@gmail.com> wrote:
> Okay Jim,
> I did a factory upload from the stock image.
> Then I uploaded the "Uploaded" image attached.  I did not touch the radio at all, then within less than a minute, downloaded the attached "Downloaded" image.  As you can see, the radio once again changed the programming with no input from me. I'm at a loss. Should I try the same thing with the stock image and see if it changes that as well?


There is no point to uploading the "stock" image if you follow it up
by another image. The last image uploaded "wins".

Anyway it seems that the radio have some bits stuck in its memory.
After you uploaded your UPLOADED.img file setting MR A channel: to 0
(0x0E9F = 0x00) and MR B channel: to 1 (0x0EA0 = 0x01) they come back
to CHIRP as being set to 191 (0xBF) and 144 (0x90).

What I would like you to try now would but to upload you UPLOADED.img
file and then manually set MR A channel: and MR B channel: to some
other valid channels numbers and then download from the radio and send
that to me to see what they come back as. Set them both to channel 15.

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