On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 3:48 AM, Michael Pludek saltydognl@gmail.com wrote:
Is there an update to allow me to use chirp with win 10 as I do not seem to be able to use it otherwise.
Mike Pludek. G0EQG/UK
CHIRP has worked with Windows 10 since its original release in 2015. With the lack of detail provided, it is hard to recommend a solution. Here are some solutions for common problems.
1. The Windows SmartScreen Filter and been known to cause problems with CHIRP and other software. Disable it to see if the problem goes away.
2. Windows 10 has been famous for corrupting the CHIRP configuration file (chirp.config). When it gets corrupted, CHIRP won't launch. When this happens, just delete the chirp.config file and CHIRP will create a new one. Tip: The chirp.config file is stored in the same location as the debug.log file. This page shows you how to find the debug.log file. https://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/How_to_report_issues