I can run Chirp 0.1.8 on Leopard if I do the following:
I have installed the python 'serial' and 'gtk' packages through macports. Therefore I need to include the statement:
export PYTHONPATH=/opt/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages
into my environment startup file. You may have a different place.
I also needed to alter a line in 'Platform.py' because of the slightly different names of the USB serial ports. I changed it to:
def list_serial_ports(self): return sorted(glob.glob("/dev/ttyS*") + glob.glob("/dev/ ttyUSB*") + glob.glob("/dev/tty.usb*"))
(Note the 3rd part - the serial USB ports on my system are all labelled "/dev/tty.usbxxxxx")
With those to changes, I 'cd'd to the directory and ran:
with success. If you have not played with the default X11 set-up, then X11 should start automatically when needed. (BTW, I'm using the X11- X11 distribution if that matters - I doubt it).
I have an IC-91AD that connects through an FTDI chip to the USB port. I also have the FTDIUSBSerialDriver_v2_2_10.dmg drivers installed.
Hope this helps someone.