Er, this probably very off-topic so I'll be brief: I use HF, not VHF, and a SCS P4 DR-7800 modem. Remember I'm trying for reliable comms well away from line-of-sight stations. I'll be happy to talk about what little I've learned, the shack, and antenna/ground setup. PM me, please.
If RM-11708 (allowing faster symbol rates) makes its way through the FCC, P4 will be legal for US hams. I use RMS Express, which, IMNSHO, is pretty darn good and not as hard to set up as some suggest.
I suspect that the modem has little chance of working with most VHF/UHF radios. The issue is a mix of keeping audio input/output straight, and keying the transmitter. I guess something could be homebrewed.
I'm not sure of the legality. Probably it's OK, and (relying on my hazy recollection of exam questions) even P4 may be OK. But you didn't hear that from me.
73 de KC3DOO
On 8/8/2016 7:27 PM, Jon S wrote:
How exactly do you connect via RF for winlink?