Since I've been working on getting my system to a linux box, this prompted me to go looking. Currently, for my BCT-15X, I use a windows based program proscan ( (which works great for me, btw) The only program I can find is a very old BCProgTool ( which in theory supports quite a few scanners - however it was last update in 2010. (( Question to self: Do I want to see how this works? The video looks workable. ))
------ Original Message ------
From "Ken Hansen"
To "Discussion of CHIRP" Date Tue 5 17 22 08:01:13 Subject Re: [chirp_users] Add-on Modules/Scripts for Chirp ?
I think this would be a big task, as currently CHIRP has no built-in support for any scanners from any manufacturer, based on a quick scan of the CHIRP homepage:
I am not aware of any publicly-available documentation on how to program a Uniden/bearcat scanner, though I suppose there's likely something somewhere.
CHIRP architecture (as far as I can tell from the outside looking in) is not setup to handle trunking groups, digital modes, etc.
I appreciate the desire to avoid windows, but the alternative would be front panel programming your frequencies into the scanner. I had no problem banging in about a hundred frequencies into a simple Whistler desktop scanner, but all that entailed was typing in each frequency and saving it to memory (no tone, no label, nothing, just frequency they the keypad) - your 'fancy' scanner would take a greater effort.
It is a nice looking scanner - it has a nice feature set and covers ham bands from 10 meters to 23 cm - and reminds me of a radio shack scanner I have, the PRO-2051, but they are not the same. I was able to get the required cable and the appropriate windows software to program my scanner, I'd encourage you to do the same.
Maybe ask a windows-running friend to help, programming scanners is, in my experience, typically a "one and done" kind of thing, where once programmed, they are never touched again (or at least very rarely).
Good luck!
Ken, N2VIP
On May 17, 2022, at 08:18, KB6LWN - Bruce wrote:
Hello Group,
Just received delivery of a new-old Uniden BC-780XLT Trunk Tracker III Scanner, and I'd like to be able to program it with my PC (Linux Mint Desktop), and I'm wondering if there is a 'module' available for Chirp that will allow me to do this. Just updated to the latest FlatPak. (Linux Mint 20.4)
Since I use Linux - I don't have access to run the MS- Windows version of the software specifically written for this receiver. Which reminds me 'rigctl' seems to read the receiver and I have gotten a list of the cmd- capabilities using that tool, if that is needed...
If there is not a module specifically FOR this receiver, perhaps I could get a copy of a module for another unit that I might be able to modify for my use. Anything is better than going back to Windows, or trying to get Wine to work under Linux... A Linux native (port) is really needed for scanner Ops...
At this point I use Chirp to program my various BTech, Bao's, Leixen, and a couple more, and it makes the task so much easier. Hope to do the same with the scanner...
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