If you like computer viruses stay with windows but If you want to be virus free try.
> *I tried file/new to just save an empty .img then file/open no go*
> *I file/opened a .csv from repeter book got 2 errors but everything> looks good so I file/save as an .img file then tried opening it, nada. *
Yeah, you can't do that. You can only save a downloaded clone-mode
radio as an image. So, to import repeaterbook information into your
radio, you need to download an image from your radio, and then import
from repeaterbook.
Alternately, you could create a new CSV file, import from repeaterbook,
save as CSV, then import from it into your image.
Today, I updated the beginner's guide on the website to include some
more detail on this sort of thing:
Dan Smith
chirp_users mailing list