On 10/16/2013 08:42 AM, Jeff Gardner wrote:
Tony, Are you putting short wave channels in your radio ?
At the present, I'm only running 2m/70cm repeaters for where I'm at in Northern California.
For anyone in the area, there is a nice set of linked repeaters called CARLA http://www.carlaradio.net/thesystem/ which covers a good share of California. There are areas it does not cover but it does cover a lot of the coast.
As for short wave, why? I don't believe the UV-5R+ can broadcast on those freq. Or am I wrong?
If there is really a good reason to listen to short wave, I might consider adding them.
I did add the NOAA Weather Alert. I have not added the FRS or the GMRS channels. Again does the UV-5R+ really broadcast in those freq.?