(for Fred's benefit)
Can we stop being jerks, and showing the world that radio hams are rude, arrogant argumentative, and try actually being helpful loading phone frequencies into his device? Or would that be a little difficult for some? I did understand the query the first time I read it, and I struggled to understand the replies, and even more failing to understand how such a simple question and plea for help could be construed and something else.
Allan, have you solved it or do you still need assistance? I suspect you have one of a couple of issues, either the cable you have is using the counterfeit prolific chip and requires a certain driver to make it work. Alternatively as suggest you may need to remove the USB plug and plug it back in, possibly with a reboot. You may need to go to your hardware manager to uninstall the drivers for it and reinstall depending on the precise issue in hand.
Does your device manager show a yellow triangle warning for the comm port?
Dennis Smith M1DLG