The issue would be the firmware changes if any. But if you bought
a dozen radios for your business all with the same firmware and you
have the cable, it would be quicker just to clone the 11 others from
the first radio you set up manually or via software.

From: John LaMartina <>
To: Discussion of CHIRP <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Copying data from one rig to another (of the same model)

There is a way to clone but it requires a cloning cable, not a programming cable. Or does comes with its own set of issues.
This is covered at

Hope this helps ...

Sent via iPhone6

> On Mar 18, 2014, at 2:31 PM, YT9TP - Pedja <> wrote:
> First, I want to emphasize that I know that it is recommended not to
> copy image saved from one rig to another.
> There is just one thing I would like to clarify.
> As I understand, Chirp uses clone function of a rig to copy settings
> from a rig and store them and also restore settings back to that rig.
> Clone function is actually meant to be used to directly copy settings
> from one rig to another using direct cloning cable.
> If direct cloning is harmless, why copying image from one rig to another
> using Chirp is not advisable? Isn't it the same as direct cloning except
> image is intermediately saved on computer?
> YT9TP, Pedja
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