Hi Ken,
I've used Chirp with my IC-T70E (The European version). It's quite a while ago - I think Dan was the only developer at the time, and we emailed back and forth to get some of the functionality correct.
As far as I remember I used a USB to RS232 converter and a home brew interface to the transceiver.
I haven't used Chirp for a year or two so it's possible something has broken in the meantime.
Sent from my iPad
> On 13 Sep 2019, at 00:55, Kenneth Bell <kbell@kbellco.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Chirp says it will work with the IC-T70, but I’m not able to make it work. My symptoms are that I am able to download from the radio without any problem. When I try to send to the radio, it hangs up and does a reset back to factory settings. I have posted a bug, but after a month no one seems to be looking at it.
> Is there anyone who HAS made Chirp work with IC-T70? Could you tell me the name of the cable you use? Is your IC-T70 an A model or a E model (US OR Europe, I think). What version of Chirp are you using (I’m trying with the latest). Using Mac or PC? Version of Windows? Is there anything special you do to make it work?
> Thank you in advance.
> Ken - K4EES
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