Google mail has admitted to  planning serious censorship of our mail.  Thus I have a secure account at tittiger@protonmail.com in case you mail does not get through at my normal email.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The information below will transform your life.
Our health is the most important thing that we possess.
Please take a look. 
God Speed

If any of the above links are broken please let me know and I will give you ones that do work. Or let me know if I can help you in any other way.


What have you done for the cause of liberty today?
Perhaps mindlessly repeated  the questionable "Pledge of Allegiance"?
Or flown a piece of cloth and think that  you have done your part?
I hope you have done something a LOT more effective.....



Legitimate government exists only to protect rights.
Not to grant them. Not to trample them. 

“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”
~Ephesians 5:11

 Dum Spiro, Pugno   ~MFP

* Please consider putting a link to Missouri Free Press in your email signature. If you do perhaps your prodigy will be born into a sane, free world. Very much unlike our current world.