On 2013-01-01, Dan wrote:
Type COM10 into the box and it will open it.
The only way for a "regular" Win32 program to enumerate the available
serial ports is to literally try to open every single one of them to see
if it fails or succeeds. This takes a bit of time, and can interfere
with other things using the ports on your system. I can add this search
logic to CHIRP, I just hate to solve the problem in that way.
If you'll open a ticket for extending the static list to, say, COM64,
I'll be glad to shove that in to make it more intuitive.
Well, I use COM ports w/ Chirp into the 100's. I agree that
enumerating or "blindly" extending the list is a bad idea. My
suggestion is to remember any valid (1-256) COM port(s) manually
entered into the "COM box", and present them in future invocations.
-- Dean AE7Q
ps: I've imported all my memories into my new Icom ID-51A using
Icom's CS-51 program. So, if you need a sample .ICF file (both
virgin from the device, and/or as modified by me) in order to add
ID-51 support to Chirp, let me know.