Having edited a DMR codeplug, I can see it's a major job to move that complexity into Chirp. I don't know who drives the codeplug effort. I got the TYT software to run under WINE and, like you, could not get the USB connection to be "seen" by WINE. Oh well, I found sources for inexpensive old laptops running XP and Win 7 so if my old beast fails I guess that's what I will do.

73, Peace,سلام ,שָׁלוֹם, ειρήνη, Bruce ∞

On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 1:39 PM, Chuck Hast <kp4djt@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes, we all use DMRTools on the MD-380 and similar, but still have to fall back
on the stinking TYT software to actually generate the code plug, sure would
like to be able to use one piece of software to do it. The TYT software runs
under wine but it cannot see the dongle as wine does not appear to be able
to handle USB devices so you have to make it a two step process as far as I
can see.

Yes we will need to find someone who can take on the Chirp work, as it is more
than just a bit trivial to add the DMR stuff, but maybe someone will emerge.
There are a lot of MD-380 people out there who would like to be able to use
Chirp for the radio maybe one is a coder and will step forward. 

On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 11:57 AM, Silverfox <alan.r.hill@gmail.com> wrote:
Why do you need it.  There is already excellent freeware software that
allows you to program them.
Happy New Year.  73's
Alan - W6ARH

-----Original Message-----
From: chirp_users-bounces@intrepid.danplanet.com
[mailto:chirp_users-bounces@intrepid.danplanet.com] On Behalf Of Neil Stone
Sent: Monday, January 1, 2018 2:00 AM
To: chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com
Subject: [chirp_users] TYT DMR Radios

Good morning and happy new year all,

I was wondering if there were any plans to add functionality to chirp to
support the TYT DMR radios, such as their MD-2017 (...so last year) or
MD-380 for example?

That's all for now, 73

Neil (M6LPI)

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