One of my UV5Rs does the same thing. No audio from the speaker. I found that the contacts in the radio side programming receptacle have been distorted from use. If I plug in a speaker/mic all is well and sound is good.
 Sarge in North Texas

On Sat, Dec 3, 2016 at 4:22 AM, Caglar AKGUNGOR <> wrote:


I have a Wouxun UV8D which I had programmed last year with an OEM cable with success. 

Yesterday I have attempted to add some new channels. Everything seemed normal at a first glance

but then I have realized that the radio has no reception at all. The frequency, the channel name and

all other parameters can be seen on the screen and as far as I can see it transmits on both VHF and UHF

(checked with a scope) but no reception, anywhere. 

I have seen on the net that other people had similar problems, their radios becoming deaf after programming.

Does anyone know what is the cause? And the cure?

Another problem I have noticed (which didn't happen last year during programming) is that my Mac (a Macbook air)

tend to freeze while using Chirp. Can it be something related to the latest build?




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Sarge KE5YPB, Lickskillet, Texas
  "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
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