15 Sep
15 Sep
8:44 a.m.
I running Windows 10 Build 19041 and Chirp build CHIRP daily-20200909 onHP Probook laptop with one only USB to serial adapter plugged in
To check com port selection (as shown on device manager) and that adpater/cableis working correctly I have used PuTTY to do loopback test to these instructions - https://www.digi.com/support/knowledge-base/performing-a-com-port-loopback-t...
This checked out OK
When selecting Radio/download radio and enetering the data after clicking OK get message " An error has occured could not open port COM4 (error 5) Acess is denied"
I have checked the rig is powered up (can hear tones) and serial lead is firmly pushed into the radio's serial port
Suggestions please
73 de Ted G7oBF