Hi, I thought I had done this before in Windows, because I put a lot of memories into my H3 before. So I needed to edit a few fields, and I downloaded from my radio, and exported that to CSV. Then I edited my fields in Open Office Calc and saved that. Then I selected everything in there, and copied it. Then I went to the Chirp that I downloaded and selected all and deleted it, and pasted into the Chirp window, and only Memory #1 will go into the Chirp. I tried a new window in chirp to paste into there, and still, only one line is going in. What am I doing wrong? I hate that we cannot import a CSV any more, like we used to do. Thanks for any help.
Being smart is knowing how to get out of a tough situation. Being wise is not getting into it in the first place.
Glenn K0LNY & WSAT439