Thanks for responding. I may be doing something dumb here w.r.t. to the install, or it could be simply due to me having the ActiveState python being picked up first in my path. I have done any installs of software from .zip files in the Mac world before, so perhaps I am doing something incorrectly here.
Here is the entire debug.log file:
--start of debug.log:
nst-dritchie-mac:.chirp dritchie$ more debug.log
CHIRP daily-20140222 on Darwin nst-dritchie-mac 11.4.2 Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.2: Thu Aug 23 16:25:48 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1699.32.7~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 (Python 2.7.2)
Registered Alinco_DR03T = DR03Radio
Registered Alinco_DR06T = DR06Radio
Registered Alinco_DR135T = DR135Radio
Registered Alinco_DR235T =
Registered Alinco_DR435T = DR435Radio
Registered Alinco_DJ596 = DJ596Radio
Registered Jetstream_JT220M = JT220MRadio
Registered Alinco_DJ175 = DJ175Radio
Registered AnyTone_5888UV = AnyTone5888UVRadio
Registered Intek_HR-2040 = IntekHR2040Radio
Registered Polmar_DB-50M = PolmarDB50MRadio
Registered Powerwerx_DB-750X = PowerwerxDB750XRadio
Registered Baofeng_UV-3R = UV3RRadio
Registered Baofeng_UV-5R = BaofengUV5R
Registered Baofeng_F-11 = BaofengF11Radio
Registered Baofeng_UV-82 = BaofengUV82Radio
Registered Baojie_BJ-UV55 = BaojieBJUV55Radio
Registered Kenwood_TH-D7 = THD7Radio
Registered Kenwood_TH-D7G = THD7GRadio
Registered Kenwood_TM-D700 = TMD700Radio
Registered Kenwood_TM-V7 = TMV7Radio
Registered Kenwood_TM-G707 = TMG707Radio
Registered Kenwood_TH-G71 = THG71Radio
Registered Kenwood_TH-F6 = THF6ARadio
Registered Kenwood_TH-F7 = THF7ERadio
Registered Kenwood_TM-D710 =
Registered Kenwood_TH-D72_live_mode = THD72Radio
Registered Kenwood_TM-V71 = TMV71Radio
Registered Kenwood_TH-K2 = THK2Radio
Registered Kenwood_TM-271 = TM271Radio
Registered Kenwood_TM-281 = TM281Radio
Registered Kenwood_TM-471 = TM471Radio
Registered Icom_7200 = Icom7200Radio
Registered Icom_7000 = Icom7000Radio
Registered Icom_746 = Icom746Radio
Registered Yaesu_FT-1802M = FT1802Radio
Registered Yaesu_FT-2800M = FT2800Radio
Registered Yaesu_FT-60 = FT60Radio
Registered Yaesu_FT-7800_7900 = FT7800Radio
Registered Yaesu_FT-8800 = FT8800Radio
Registered Yaesu_FT-8900 = FT8900Radio
Registered Yaesu_FT-817 = FT817Radio
Registered Yaesu_FT-817ND = FT817NDRadio
Registered Yaesu_FT-817ND_US = FT817NDUSRadio
Registered Yaesu_FT-857_897 = FT857Radio
Registered Yaesu_FT-857_897_US = FT857USRadio
Registered Yaesu_FT-90 = FT90Radio
Registered Yaesu_FTM-350 = FTM350Radio
Generic_CSV = CSVRadio
Registered Commander_KG-UV = CommanderCSVRadio
Registered RT_Systems_CSV = RTCSVRadio
Registered ARRL_Travel_Plus = TpeRadio
Registered Generic_XML = XMLRadio
Registered Baofeng_BF-888 = H777Radio
Registered Icom_IC-208H = IC208Radio
Registered Icom_IC-2100H = IC2100Radio
Registered Icom_IC-2200H = IC2200Radio
Registered Icom_IC-2720H = IC2720Radio
Registered Icom_IC-2820H = IC2820Radio
Registered Icom_IC-91_92AD = IC9xRadio
Registered Icom_IC-91_92AD_ICF_File = IC9xICFRadio
Registered Icom_IC-Q7A = ICQ7Radio
Registered Icom_IC-T70 = ICT70Radio
Registered Icom_IC-T7H = ICT7HRadio
Registered Icom_IC-T8A = ICT8ARadio
Registered Icom_IC-W32A = ICW32ARadio
Registered Icom_IC-V82_U82 = ICx8xRadio
Registered Icom_ID-31A = ID31Radio
Registered Icom_ID-51A = ID51Radio
Registered Icom_ID-800H_v2 = ID800v2Radio
Registered Icom_ID-880H = ID880Radio
Registered Icom_ID-80H =
Registered Kenwood_HMK = HMKRadio
Registered Kenwood_ITM = ITMRadio
Registered Puxing_PX-777 = Puxing777Radio
Registered Puxing_PX-2R = Puxing2RRadio
Registered TYT_TH-UV3R = TYTUV3RRadio
Registered TYT_TH-UVF8D = TYTUVF8DRadio
Registered Kenwood_TH-D72_clone_mode = THD72Radio
Registered TYT_TH-UVF1 = TYTTHUVF1Radio
Registered Kenwood_TK-7102 = KenwoodTK7102Radio
Registered Kenwood_TK-8102 = KenwoodTK8102Radio
Registered Kenwood_TK-7108 = KenwoodTK7108Radio
Registered Kenwood_TK-8108 = KenwoodTK8108Radio
Registered Baofeng_UV-B5 = BaofengUVB5
Registered Yaesu_VX-2 = VX2Radio
Registered Yaesu_VX-3 = VX3Radio
Registered Yaesu_VX-5 = VX5Radio
Registered Yaesu_VX-6 = VX6Radio
Registered Yaesu_VX-7 = VX7Radio
Registered Yaesu_VX-8_R = VX8Radio
Registered Yaesu_VX-8_DR = VX8DRadio
Registered Yaesu_VX-8_GE = VX8GERadio
Registered Vertex_Standard_VXA-700 = VXA700Radio
Wouxun_KG-UVD1P = KGUVD1PRadio
Registered Wouxun_KG-UV6 = KGUV6DRadio
Registered Wouxun_KG-816 = KG816Radio
Registered Wouxun_KG-818 = KG818Radio
Icon /usr/share/pixmaps/chirp.png not found
Initialized MacOS support
/Users/dritchie/Downloads/ PangoWarning: error opening config file '../Resources/etc/pango/pangorc': No such file or directory
--- end of debug.log
The 800x600 chirp window does start, but there is nothing displayed in it. The KK7DS python (R6) has been installed on the system. Macports may be conflicting here w.r.t. python. The Prolific 3.00 driver has been installed and is being seen in the System Information output. Radio is a
Baofeng UV-5RC Plus, I am using the Baofeng branded cable, and it appears to be well seated in the radio (i.e. if I tune the radio to NOAA
weather radio channel, I see the color change
on the display, but do
not hear anything) .
I have tried dragging this into the Applications folder, and running it outside of the applications directory. Looking at the code in chirpw at line 146, it looks like the next thing it is doing is attempting to start GTK.
From /Users/dritchie/Downloads/
148 if profile:
149 import cProfile, pstats
150"gtk.main()", "chirpw.stats")
151 p = pstats.Stats("chirpw.stats")
152 p.sort_stats("cumulative").print_stats(10)
153 else:
154 gtk.main()
BTW, when I attempt to execute python -v, it is resolving to /usr/local/bin/python instead of anything in /opt/kk7ds...
I have attached the screen shot of how the chirp window looks also.
nst-dritchie-mac:.chirp dritchie$ env
nst-dritchie-mac:.chirp dritchie$
I would be interested to see someone else's environment that has this working...
On Sunday, March 2, 2014 1:38 PM, Tom Hayward <> wrote:
On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 12:02 PM, Dave Ritchie <> wrote:
> PangoWarning: error opening config file '../Resources/etc/pango/pangorc': No
> such file or directory
That warning just means there's no configuration file for Pango, but
no worries, the defaults work just fine. Your problem is elsewhere.
If you show us the rest of the debug.log, there may be a clue as to
what the problem really is. Also, could you describe the behavior
you're seeing and the sequence of events that led up to it? The two
words you use, "died" and "fails", leave me wondering what part of the
process failed.