This site is SO helpful.
Here are a few things I did to help me memorize the Baud rates and frequency allocations.
First. Baud rates are higher at higher frequencies or shorter wavelengths:
20-meters (15 mHz) 300 Baud
10.7-meters (28 mHZ) 300 Baud
10-meters (30 mHz) 1200 Buad
2-meters (150 mHz) 19.6 kBaud
1.25-meter (240 mHz) 56 kBaud
70-centimeter (430 mHz) 56 kBaud
Also a trick to memorize the the allowable wattage, at least for the general exam the answer is always 1500 watts except the 10.140 MHz question.
Another trick for getting the 'which frequencies' questions right is this. I believe for every single question about which frequencies are within the General Class are always the second to the highest that are in that band. Example:
Which of the following frequencies is within the General Class portion of the 20-meter phone band?
A. 14005 kHz
B. 14105 kHz
C. 14305 kHz X Second to highest.
D. 14405 kHz
But be careful. Make sure it's the second to highest in the band. There are some answers outside the band.
I'm ready!!!