I’ve installed the National Simplex again and named it. But, it’s on line 34 and somehow, it’s not after 33, it’s down near 16. And speaking of that, my whole numbering system is all screwed up. How can I get the channel numbers to be lined up? That is, 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on, all the way down the line, the way they were on the radio?
You've accidentally clicked on one of the column names which causes the spreadsheet style memory editor to be sorted by that column. The column that you have selected to sort by will have a black triangle next to the column name pointing in the direction of the sort order. All you have to is to click on the header name of the left-most column name, "Loc", so that the triangle is pointing down. This will sort the editor by memory number from 0 to 127.