On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 8:02 AM, kb4oif@cox.net wrote:
Trying to help a friend. Will not give him the upload to radio. It's grayed out. Any suggestions??
CHIRP works with many brands and models of radios. There features vary from model to model. Until you download from the radio and create a spreadsheet for that radio, CHIRP doesn't know the capabilities of the radio so it won't let up upload anything.
If you've already created a generic spreadsheet and populated it with frequencies, load it into a tab in CHIRP. Then download from the radio to a second tab. Then you can copy and past what you have already created in the first tab to the second tab. Then upload the second tab to the radio.
Don't forget to save the second tab to an image (.img) file. You can always load it at any time, edit it and then upload it to the radio.